Our Purpose
Serving families in 43605 and 43607, Harbor’s Families And Communities Enhancing Stability (FACES) initiative offers educational workshops to aid parents and caregivers in their efforts to counteract the negative impact the pandemic has had on our children.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
FACES helps to counteract Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by providing positive social experiences that will ultimately decrease the likelihood of poor adult health.Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) refer to a list of experiences in the first 18 years of life that have been identified as potentially traumatic including: having household member(s) incarcerated, being physically, sexually, or emotionally abused, experiencing neglect, living with mental illness or a drug problem in the house, etc.
Every Child Deserves a Chance
Without interventions and support, ACEs can be devastating on a person’s quality of life. Studies have shown that positive social experiences, also defined as Counter-ACEs, can have a profound effect on the negative impact of ACEs. Families and Communities Enhancing Stability (FACES) will provide services specific to the needs identified by ACEs.